Annually, the Citadel Republican Society is the largest college organization to attend CPAC. CPAC is an annual political conference attended by conservative activists and elected officials from across the United States and beyond. CPAC is hosted by the American Conservative Union.
What is it?
The Conservative Political Action Conference is the largest and most influential gathering of conservatives in the world. Launched in 1974, CPAC brings together hundreds of conservative organizations, thousands of activists, millions of viewers and the best and brightest leaders in the world.
The Citadel Republican Society traditionally plays an influential role by bearing the colors each day before the event.
Our role as CPAC cadets goes much further than that though, we also have the distinct honor of participating in a wreath laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, privately touring the White House, CIA, FBI, Pentagon and many more incredible opportunities.
The annual trip to CPAC provides cadets the opportunity to experience politics first hand and meet the people that they have seen on TV, in real life.
It is a unique experience that helps all attendees develop into better citizens.